Señoras y señores.
Solo puedo decir unas pocas palabras de agradecimiento.
Es para mi un gran orgullo que la ciudad de Oslo, tenga una escultura mía para disfrute de sus ciudadanos.
Debo decir, sin complejo alguno, que esta brillante idea de Selvaag Group, de conmemorar el centenario de la muerte de Ibsen, con esta libre interpretación escultórica de las escenas de su poema dramático “Peer Gynt”, es uno de los proyectos más ilusionantes en los que he participado.
Gracias Sr. Selvaag por su generosidad al afrontar este ambicioso proyecto. Estoy seguro que los vecinos de Lören serán más felices conviviendo con todas estas esculturas, y el espíritu de Ibsen se hara realidad en este entorno.
Gracias Marit Albertsen por tu buen trabajo de coordinación y todas tus atenciones.
Gracias a todos, en especial al grupo de amigos que desde Canarias me han acompañado a este acto.

Ladies and gentlemen.
I just can say some few words of gratitude. Is for me a great honour that the city of Oslo, have a sculpture of mine for enjoyment of its citizens. I feel very proud about that.
I should say, without any complex, that this brilliant idea of Selvaag Group, to commemorate the centennial of the death of Ibsen, with this free sculptural interpretation of the scenes of his dramatic poem “Peer Gynt”, is one of the most exciting projects in which I have been envolved.
Thanks Mr. Selvaag by your generosity to confront this ambitious project. I am sure that the neighbors of Lören will be happiest sharing their daily lives with all these sculptures and the spirit of Ibsen will be living in this lovely environment for ever. I think that you get it.
Thanks Marit Albertsen by your well done work of coordination and all the attention you pay me when I have been here, in Oslo, before.
Thanks, as well, to all the jury members that they choose my work between hundreds of good art works.
Thanks to all, especially the group of friends of mine that they come from Canaries to share with me to this important and emotionally act.